The ForeSight Strike Team
We are a team of senior practitioners with a powerful combination of skills and experiences to speed up and leverage major new ambitions relevant to our times. For individual bios, please use the dropdown menu or click on the names.
Björn Larsson – CEO
Richard Barett
Christina Bengtsson
Marilia Bezerra
Göran Carstedt
Nick Ellerby
Sergio Fernández de Córdova
Erik Fernholm
Katie Greenman
Johan Gunnars
Siavash Habibi
Lars Killander
Ari Kokko
Martin Lindström
Vicki Saunders
Janera Soerel
Erik Spangenberg
Filip Thorsén
Jakob Trollbäck
Geoff Tudhope
Peter Willis
Sven Atterhed - Founder
Lennart Boksjö - Founder
Gustaf Delin - Founder